For adults, the mall can be a great place. Everything you could possibly need is under one roof and you can easily go from store to store to find all the items on your shopping list. Unfortunately, when kids come along, it can be easy for them to get distracted and overwhelmed. They want everything, but they aren’t the ones with the money or the control. This can be a recipe for disaster, especially on weekends or holidays where there is a large audience to witness an epic meltdown.
It has happened to the best of kids, so don’t be embarrassed! Talk to anyone who has worked in retail for any amount of time and they will probably tell you that meltdowns with kids are a daily occurrence.
So, how do you handle the mall meltdown when it happens? Better yet, how do you keep that meltdown from happening in the first place?
Next time you head to the mall with the kids, take this advice with you for a stress-free shopping trip.