Category: Responsiveness
My partner and I are merging two families. My kids are 2 years apart, my son is older. He has two daughters, a little younger but the same split. I give my kids different…
I have two step daughters 12 & 14. The fourteen year old is a very good person but can be very disrespectful when angry and she is angry when she has to do something…
I have two step daughters 12 & 14. The fourteen year old is a very good person but can be very disrespectful when angry and she is angry when she has to do something…
Hello Doctor G, My fiance and I live together and have been dating for 2 years. I am a clinical psychologist who specializes in “merged” families and developmental issues but I cannot understand the constant…
What is your number one tip to help de-escalate an autistic meltdown BEFORE it escalates? Katrina, from IN Wow, Katrina, you ask the easy questions, right? 😉 Not only are no two kids alike,…
I am a nanny for an eight year old girl. She has asked her parents several times (in my presence) to have a day without an after-school activity. They do not agree, and just…
Today I got an email from a woman in NYC who is trying to prepare her daughter for a power outage and scary storm. Please jump over to The Mamas Network and talk about…
The fantastic readers of Your Teen Magazine never fail to challenge me with their questions. This month I’m answering a mom who’s 2nd grade daughter had a friend over to play. That friend (the…
My 2.5-year-old son does something I can’t quite figure out. When I explain that he should not do something because he will get hurt or sick, he responds with: “Get hurt now!” or “Get…