Do you have kids that ask a million questions? Have you seen the online resource Whyzz? Their “Do you know” feature on the homepage will provide endless dinner time conversation. And they have How…
Category: Responsiveness
Boy, if there is one thing parents struggle with as the hormones kick in (you know, besides back-talking, not listening, friend drama, school struggles…) it’s SLEEP. Today I’m over at The Preppy Girl in…
Even speech pathologists specializing in feeding babies can get frustrated by their kids’ pickiness! Today I’m at answering the question Mindi Stavish receives from lots of readers: How can I feed my picky…
How can I help the AM routine of my tween with ADHD go smoother? Anonymous, in D.C. Are you a morning person? I’m not! As my kids have hit elementary school, they too struggle…
The phrase “But everyone’s doing it!” is a cliche for a reason! I’m over at Your Teen Magazine today talking to a mom who’s 13 year old daughter wants a push-up bra. Curious? Come…
Every parent (myself included) is shocked when their adorable child completely ignores them. Head on over to Sluiter Nation to hear what you can do to increase your odds of being heard!…
Soon to be 3 yr old twins. One daughter (slightly larger and stronger) is often the bully/aggressor — using force to get what she wants (pushing, hitting, occasional biting, grabbing things away from the…
Dear Dr. G., I have a 7 year old son, who is an extremely picky eater. When I say “extreme”, I mean really extreme. He has never had fruits, vegetables, meat, or many of…
My 7 year old boy has started to “self punish” the extreme. When I send him to his room for a few minutes for example for continually not listening, he ends up saying staying…
I’m at it again, trying to energize parents over at Huffington Post. Please stop by and check out why pampering mom is good for kids!…