Category: Responsiveness

I feel pretty strongly that kids need to know how and when to apologize. And even more strongly that adults need to model this behavior. Check out the 4 important parts to an apology,…
Siblings bicker. Adults often want to step in and end it, but it never seems to end! Doctor G has some suggestions for figuring out if it’s really a problem, and then empowering kids…
My son is turning 5 in the fall, and we’re getting a lot of conflicting advice about kindergarten. Do we send him, and have him be maybe the youngest in his class? Or keep…
I have a teen daughter who has social anxiety. She struggled with school due to crowds, but started to miss a lot of time in grades 7 -9 . This year in grade 10…
Have you seen EverydayFamily? A great site with blogs and expert information and even a TV show, I’m honored to be featured over there once a month.  This month I answered questions about picky…
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