Kids and pornography?!
This might be the most stressful topic I’ve ever tackled on my site. I know that those words are bound to make most people feel a little sick to their stomachs. But we’re parents, and we can do hard things. It’s a hard thing to talk to kids about porn. But we have to do it!
Why should we talk to kids about pornography?
Well, they are going form opinions about it. Do you want some say in what those opinions are? I do!
When should we talk to kids about pornography?
Before they’ve seen it. It used to be about magazines, and access. Now, access is as close as the nearest screen. Just like every other tough conversation we have with a child or teen, this one happens over time, in stages. And we have to ask questions, figure out what they know and where they are now. But we can’t ignore it!