Hmmm… end of July. This is about when all my #summerfantasies start to fall apart. Whether it’s about the projects I imagined I’d get done around the house, the outings I thought we’d take, the frolicking I’d planned on, or the stress-free idyllic moments I pictured between my kids… by end of July I’m realizing a few things.
- The days are different, but no less busy
- Every one else wants to go on outings too, so they’re often crowded and pretty expensive.
- My kids are still… my kids.
They love each other, they also wanted a relaxing, wonderful summer. But they still argue, get bored, and still have no time or attention for their chores without direct intervention.
If I’m smart, though, I’ll remember we still have a month (ok, 3 weeks until we seriously start to think about school supplies and finding those summer reading assignments I made them do the first week after school let out). And instead of trying to cram in all the “enjoying” I’ll adjust my expectations. So that we can appreciate summer, without as much frustration. And maybe I’ll get one project done…
If you want to start the school year off with some new strategies for that bickering or ignoring or frustration, check out the online course I have – you can for sure get that done this week. It will make the rest of summer a LOT more fun… especially for you!
Here are some posts that may help!