Ever had the urge to laugh at your child’s meltdown?
This is a normal urge! Rather than get completely enmeshed and feel terrible every time our child is upset, it is helpful to see that this too shall pass. It is healthy to separate enough from our kids that their stress doesn’t have to be our stress every single time.
Parent Prank Videos can be so funny!
Is your Facebook stream showing you the videos parents make of their kids after a practical joke? Whether it’s a toddler meltdown from a shockingly shaved dad, or a 8 year old freak out after being told all the Halloween candy was eaten by mom, these kids are truly shocked and betrayed. And their reactions are sometimes hilarious!
So is there a problem?
The hosts of Emotional Mojo invited me on to speak about these videos, and whether or not they are damaging to kids.
What do you think?