So, how are your family resolutions doing? Ditch Your New Years Resolution Day was on the 17th, the day statistically where most people give up on the resolutions they made for the new year.
Why do resolutions fail? They fail for a variety of reasons. Most people set unrealistic goals and get tired of the overwhelming amount of time and energy it takes to make it happen. Sometimes progress is slow and people just give up. Others fall back into old habits easily.
What about your family resolutions for this year? Have you abandoned them?
I want to help you pick a goal that makes the most sense and get it back on track. Most of the parents I speak with wanted to see better behavior in the new year. It’s not too late for that! You’re only 25 days into 2017, there is plenty of time to get the behavior you want from your kids. I put together an easy to follow family behavior change plan that will help you keep track of your family goals and give your kids clear consequences and rewards associated with the behavior change.
Post it on your fridge or somewhere where your family can see it regularly as a reminder of the behavior they are changing! Be sure to stick to the consequences when the old behavior shows up.

{To Download Click on the Picture or HERE}
If you want to join me in the mission to build responsible, respectful and resilient kids, be sure to follow me on Twitter, Facebook and subscribe to my YouTube channel where I address parenting challenges from teen dating to manners.
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