Hi! yes
Do you feel great when you say “yes” to something? Most people – especially girl- and women-people – were taught that “yes” is the nice thing to say. And that being nice is incredibly important.
However you feel about that narrative, it’s important to remember that the flipside of every “yes” coin you hand someone is a “no.” That no may be denying a plan you had or an activity you meant to try or a rest your body and brain could use. It could be a no to someone else or to another part of your life. Since time is limited and not expandable, you need to stop ignoring the no and instead do a little coin counting.
Make sure that you’re as OK with turning away from what you’re saying “no” to as you are with doing what you’re saying “yes” about – not just in this moment but in the big picture of your life.
Put another way, does your “yes” align with with your priorities and values more than whatever you’re turning away from to get it done?
THAT, my friends, is living a life with good boundaries.
Boundaries are (as I’ve mentioned in other emails) not about saying no. Boundaries mean saying yes only when that aligns with your values and priorities.
What have you said yes to recently? And what did that mean saying no to at the same time? Comment and tell me!
All my best,
Dr. G