Do time-outs work for teenagers? What happens if your elementary schooler gets grounded? Is there a way to avoid the negativity of punishment and still shape character and behavior? Dr. G combines her knowledge of childhood development with parents’ knowledge of their kids to develop a toolbox for parents to use at each level. In this interactive workshop, parents will get feedback on every style of consequence they can imagine, and learn how to apply the right tool at the right time and age.
Written by Doctor G
Discipline at Every Developmental Level

From Stress to Resilience In Five Minutes? YES!
Get the Dr. G’s Stress to Resilience kickstart guide and in five minutes discover how to transform stress into resilience. Weather it’s your business, your kids, or you, do stress better!
A Little Bit About Dr. G
A widely recognized media personality, Dr. G is your go-to expert on resilience. Countless broadcast outlets rely on her contagious humor and illuminating stories to tackle tough topics. She is regularly seen on TV, as well as interviewed for print and digital outlets. Here, she’s answering your questions. Search for the answers you need, or ask her your question now!