Depend On Dr. G

Dr. G drives businesses forward as a dynamic spokesperson, insightful consultant and inspiring trainer!


From advisory boards to capturing the media you want, Dr. G translates the research and delivers brand messages that audiences trust. Customers rely on her straight and authentic advice when it comes to endorsements. 


Whether the need is to better understand clients, reach more customers, or shift the culture of your workforce, Dr. G interprets the neuroscience of resilience and communication into language that makes sense and actions you can take.


Dr. G returns time and again to help groups of staff mesh their mission with their mechanics. Get your people the tools they need to better aid communities, build reputation, and strengthen resilience in teams and in those you serve.


Honesty and integrity you can believe in. That’s why brands and customers trust Dr. G when it comes to endorsements and sponsorships.

From advisory boards to capturing the media you want, Dr. G delivers brand messages that audiences trust. Customers rely on her straight and authentic advice when it comes to endorsements. Her knowledge translation, combined with her media savvy and social influence, make her the ideal partner. Brands who have worked with her include:

Media interviews

Branded Videos

Internal Alignment of Teams

Customer Development

Advisory Board

Research Translation

Keynotes and Workshops

Community Building

Old Spice

Knowledge translation from a commissioned research study to interviews with journalists and bloggers so, with Dr. G's expert help, they were able to use facts and interpretation to easily explain to their audiences the key findings.


In collaboration with the US Anti Doping Agency (USADA), Dr. G guides TrueSport to build resilience in athletes training towards the Olympics and ParaOlympics, and offers guidance and strategies for coaches, educators and parents who work with athletes of all ages and abilities.

A longtime member of the National Advisory Board for the Foundation of Advancing Alcohol Responsibility, Dr. G works with liquor brands, educators, schools, and families to prevent DUI and decrease underage drinking.


As P&G launches this revolutionary cleaning product in the face of the novel coronavirus pandemic, Dr. G sits on their National Advisory Board, asking hard questions and driving the work towards the needs of families.


An outside voice to earn inside trust. Dr. G dives into the mission of corporations and nonprofits to understand who they serve and help them choose tactics to navigate change.

Whether the need is to better understand clients, reach more customers, or shift the culture of your workforce, Dr. G interprets the neuroscience of resilience and communication into language that makes sense and actions you can take.

Board Development

Culture Change

Resilience Strengthening

Customer development

Employee Engagement

Digital Content

Keynotes and Workshops

GearUp Kentucky

Program development by Dr. G to build resilience in 12-22 year olds throughout the state of Kentucky and train the trainer session creation and presentation, along with writing full year digital curriculum, and monthly support webinars.

Trailside Discovery Center

Advising and guidance for 17 summer programs to navigate the pandemic, decide on a path forward, comply with state and local guidelines and communicate clearly and proactively with families and staff.

JCC Weinstein

As this agency recovered from, traversed, and prepared for change, Dr. G contextualized these experiences for staff, aided leadership in supporting the team, and trained the group in skills to strengthen individuals and move them closer to their mission.

Sears Holdings

During times of expanding and contracting work, Dr. G served the most robust employee group by providing personal and professional development and strategies for them to focus on employee engagement.


Energy, humor and accessible strategies for the inevitable pain points. Bring Dr. G to train your staff to reach your students, clients, customers in more meaningful ways, and to enable your team to approach change from a position of strength.

Dr. G returns time and again to help groups of staff mesh their mission with their mechanics. Get your people the tools they need to better aid communities, build reputation, and strengthen resilience in teams and in those you serve.

Preseason Training

Curriculum Creation

Leadership Development

Communication Strengthening

Keynotes and Workshops

Team Building

Change Readiness Evaluation and Planning


Through lunchtime learning and digital, shareable content creation, Dr. G helped departments create communication plans and improve work-life balance, increased morale and retention and boosted sales.


Across the globe, employees and department heads gather several times a year for a session with Dr. G, on a topic of their choosing. From resilience to intergenerational communication to strengthening mental health, these workshops are live and livestreamed for maximum interaction.

Citizens Bank

Small work groups come together to ask their most pressing questions about worklife balance, about difficulties in communication, about stress. Dr. G answers each question with empathy and strategies that drive individuals to the goals they've set.

US Army War College

Each year a select group of top officers from all five branches of the military gather to train in leadership before taking command. Dr. G is honored to be invited to speak with them and their spouses each year, on the topic of resilience - for themselves, for their troops, and for their families.


Jess Ponce —Media 2×3

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