The holidays can be stressful, that’s no secret. You worry about getting everyone presents, preparing the perfect meal and some of us worry about the drama that your family can bring (don’t miss my 8 a.m. segment on the Today show on Christmas Eve!) and you may even worry about your kids behavior when all eyes are on them (and you as their parent).
Are you worried if your kids will be naughty or nice during the holidays? Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered! Check out my tips on where I share advice on how to get your kids be great hosts, gracious gift-getters and how to discipline them if they lean more towards naughty than nice.
P.S. There is an extra gift for Today Parents readers, just head over to the article to grab yours!
While you are there make sure to share the article on social media to help your friends and family have a stress-free holiday, too!
What are your tips for having well-behaved kids for your holiday party? Share them in the comments below.