Category: Teenagers
Activities can be great for kids. Sports, music, language lessons, art, chess, drama, religious school, clubs, scouts, the choices in a lot of communities feel endless. This is wonderful because it gives families options…
Scared about teens living online? For all that we worry about with our tweens and teens as they text and tweet, follow and share, there is a lot to be happy about as well. Kids…
It’s OK to pee alone. When our children are small, but not so small they can be stuck in a crib for 2 minutes, they often want to follow us everywhere. Every. Where. When…
It’s Teen Driver Safety Week. Do you love a teen who is driving, or will be soon? I was asked by to create this video about how we can help teens drive more…
I’m having a tough time accepting my step daughter. My wife and I will be married for a year this October. The transition to teaching manners and respect has been slightly dismal. We want…
Kids look for people to look up to. Watching sports can make for great family time and memories. Raising sports fans often leads to years of bonding and shared connections. So what do we…
Ebola is scary. I completely get that. The idea of “catching” something that can be fatal is one that sends most people down the rabbit hole, and the possibility of our kids catching something is…
“Education and fear do not belong in the same sentence.” When experts are asked to appear on television to discuss the latest atrocity in a school, they often focus on the horror students, teachers…
Kids love technology. That is not a bad thing! Our kids will need to be tech savvy their whole lives long. Learning about clicking and finding and searching and learning online is as important…