Category: Health

Today I’m answering a question over on Christian Sass about her 3 year old son’s speech. Lots of parents watch a child take a little longer to talk and wonder when it’s time to…
I am honored to be on It Builds Character for their Functional Friday post. After a great lunch with their founder, Tracey Jensen May, I sat down to write this post to help parents…
How can I best protect my child athlete from staph infection? Dave, in PA In a word? Wash. Here is a quick overview of “staph” infections. There are a lot of staphylococcus bacteria, but…
Mini-Me’s very own suitcase that we bought this summer has been recalled because of lead content in the design on the surface of the case. She’s four, and she might be devastated when I…
Dr. G, Our son is 3 yrs old. He’ll be 4 in just a matter of 1.5 months. He has been refusing to potty train. We did well for a short while but now…
Dear Dr. G, Since the start of the school year there have been multiple outbreaks of lice in our school system. This has spread to the daycares and who knows where next. While I…
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