Category: Health
I believe in breastfeeding, for many women. I encourage my patients (and their parents) to do whatever they can to get babies some breastmilk. But lets be real here… Breastfeeding? Is hard. It’s awkward,…
Take kids to the doctor. Most of us are good with that parenting task. We take them for check ups, when they’re not feeling well or acting right, take them when we’re worried or…
“Why does my child stink?” I get this question fairly often from parents of tweens and teens, about boys and girls. “Why doesn’t my child *care!?” I get this question even more often! Teaching…
We know this question is coming, but we never know when! Thinking ahead of time about your answer can reduce your anxiety and keep you from saying something you might regret later (when it…
Grab a FREE resource on how to talk to kids about tough topics! There are few topics parents like to discuss LESS than this one. But kids, from toddlers to teens, masturbate. Want them…
Kids love movies, music, all kinds of media. And there is a lot of media that is excellent. As parents, we need to keep track of what our kids use, since watching bad behavior…
Are bad guys always me? 3 1/2 year old, on Please jump on over to Whyzz and see how to talk to kids about bad “guys”!…
I’m at Your Teen Magazine answering their Ask the Expert series, this time a question from a mom of a teen with IBS who is afraid to go out with her friends. Will you…
I have an issue. As a doctor, and as a mom, I’ve been asking myself for a long time “Are kids getting too much screen time?” But you know what? That isn’t useful. I…