Hi all! I’m busy studying for my Family Medicine Boards – my 10 year recertification exam is April 10 (prayers and warm thoughts welcome) – and so I’m not answering as many questions as usual these few weeks. In the meantime, I was interviewed for a great article on Care.com and thought I’d use this brief hiatus as a chance to share it with you. For those of you who are done with the preschooler phase, this will probably bring back a memory or two. For everyone, there are some useful tips and hilarious moments. I can tell you that Awkward Moment #2 happened at my house!
Written by Doctor G
7 Awkward Moments with Preschoolers

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A Little Bit About Dr. G
A widely recognized media personality, Dr. G is your go-to expert on resilience. Countless broadcast outlets rely on her contagious humor and illuminating stories to tackle tough topics. She is regularly seen on TV, as well as interviewed for print and digital outlets. Here, she’s answering your questions. Search for the answers you need, or ask her your question now!