In times like this it’s hard to think more than just about one minute ahead, but we also know that preparation is the key to making sure that we all get through this. As…
Category: Blog
I sincerely hope that you and your family are well, and are managing the current reality and uncertainty without total upheaval at home or in your work. In reality, I know that most of…
This is a question that many parents struggle with (and feel guilty about from time to time). It’s basic human nature to have a personal preference for people and things, and parenting is no…
What do you think when you hear the word “STRESS”? Do you immediately cringe? Stress is one of the most powerful words in the English language and used often to describe times of overwhelm…
Are your kids online? It can be overwhelming at times keeping up with the latest social media platforms and making sure that everything they are posting is putting them forward in the best light….
You may have seen the recent news stories about teens being hospitalized due to complications from vaping. Here’s why you have to care about this! The truth is, even if you haven’t seen them or their…
Mental health struggles are increasing among our teens. There are a lot of reasons for this. Higher rates of mood, attention and behavior disorders start many kids off behind the eight ball. The mental…
Life is busy. For parents, it seems that much busier. Keeping track of our schedules, our kids schedules and keeping in touch with friends and family – not to mention actual work-we-get-paid-for – can…
I want my grandchild to become a big problem solver for anyone who will pay her extremely well. My only requirement is that what she does must be ethical and legal. How do I…
Yikes, my kid saw pornography, what do I do?!?! First of all, don’t panic. Every week someone writes in to ask, “my child saw pornography, what do I do?” From four years old to…