All siblings fight. Genuinely, when I see a sibling pair or group that is constantly nurturing and caring towards each other with no bickering or competition, it’s time to look deeper. When kids treat their siblings only with care and concern it’s almost always because the family has gone or is going through a severe stress. The death of a parent or someone’s serious physical or mental illness, war or refuge and escape from violence are the usual causes of siblings being highly attentive to and *never* hard on each other.
So take heart, if your kids are fighting that is normal. But as I say here so often, normal doesn’t always mean acceptable. Today I am inviting you to find me on A Mother World, an online parents magazine in Canada, talking about Why Our Kids Fight and what we can do about it!
2 thoughts on “Why Do My Kids Fight All the Time?”
Hi, I am 43 and raising my four grandkids; theyre mom left them behind two years ago so I now have custody. We talk about thier mom often, and they seem to understand that her leaving had nothing to do with them, but they still want her to come home. But the problem I have seems to be my fault, or my part. I cant get the kids to mind or listen to me, I am constantly having to clean up after all of them, they wont do much for themselves and they fight all the time. The 6 and 8 year old figth constantly and here lately they really hurt one another. They tell me they wish the other one would die, sometimes they say they wish i would die. They all are constantly saying watch me do this, watch me do that , which is fine, but I cant watch them all at the same time, and they really get mad when i cant. I kmow all of this sounds “juvinile” I just dont know what to do. They keep me so busy constantly, that I have to wait til they all have gone to bed to even sit, and this is the first time in a while that I have taken the time to get on my laptop. I am constantly cleaning, fixing them drinks, sandwiches, referreing, and finding time to read and play with them. I just cant seem to get a schedule between taking care of them, cleaning, cutting grass and errands. I’m not sure if this is really what I was supposed to comment on, but I just need some good advice. I want the kids to be happy and for us to have a great life together.
That is an excellent question Brenda, and I’ve done my best to answer your questions here!
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