What if you just asked?  AI
Written by Doctor G

What if you just asked? 

Hi! AI

What are you most worried about right now?

Are you worried your customers won’t buy again? Do you think you have an employee who is looking for a different job? Are you wondering if your boss is satisfied with your work or if your board chair trusts you?

Are you low key concerned about your own health? Or very worried about the health of someone in your family? Are you scared that your child isn’t doing well or that your partner is unhappy?

Any of these concerns can leach your resilience like a string that slowly draws water up and out of a full cup. Since none of them are pressing – at least not in our waking hours – we tend to ignore them. We put out the fires and don’t give much attention to the hot spots that could burst into flame. But they each represent a change you’re somewhere between a little and a lot afraid to confront.

Yesterday, on the Think Tank, we were talking about AI and our fears about it. The episode isn’t released yet for rewatch, though if you’d like to know when it is (the strategies we found for approaching AI were great!) just sign up. Anyway, we were talking about our fears and I expressed my concern that I don’t know when AI is giving me truth and when it’s just scraping inaccurate data and leading me astray. Malte Neibelschuetz (join to hear me pronounce his name!) told me that I could just ask the AI “how are you finding this information and how accurate is it?” I told him that sounded like someone getting a diagnosis from me and then coming to me for the second opinion, but he replied that AI will very closely assess its sources and give its own accuracy – or lack thereof – to a rigorous degree.

That made me realize, most people would do the same. No, I couldn’t tell you to the second decimal how accurate my diagnosis is, but I can honestly assess my degree of certainty and then you can choose if that is good enough for you or you want that second opinion somewhere else. And this got me thinking about resilience.

Resilience is the ability to navigate change towards a positive goal.

If you’re worried that there is a change brewing – at work or in your world or in your own body – that you aren’t entirely prepared to handle, the first step is to get more information. 

Ask the question out loud. Ask your customers how likely they are to return to your service or product, ask your team member if they’re looking for other work. Ask your boss or board chair how their trust level is with you right now. Ask your doctor about your health, your loved one about theirs, your child how they’re really doing or your partner to tell you about their happiness.

Asking will make you more resilient, better able to navigate whatever is coming if you’re right that it is. And if you’re wrong, you’ll pull that string out and toss it away so it can’t keep pulling your resilience up and out of you one drop at a time.

What’s something you could either address or toss to make you stronger?

All my best,

Dr. G

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A widely recognized media personality, Dr. G is your go-to expert on resilience. Countless broadcast outlets rely on her contagious humor and illuminating stories to tackle tough topics. She is regularly seen on TV, as well as interviewed for print and digital outlets. Here, she’s answering your questions. Search for the answers you need, or ask her your question now!
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