Hi! voting
Am I about to tell you who you should vote for?
I am not!
I am about to tell you how to approach your vote so that the act of voting builds your resilience rather than depleting it.
Resilience – the ability to navigate change towards a positive goal.
Voting – the act of marking down who you think is more closely aimed at your goals.
Whether or not the candidates you choose actually win, there is a lot to strengthen you in voting. You need to:
- Figure out your priorities
- Learn about your elected officials and what they’re supposed to do
- Decide who is your best bet
- Vote
I saw a post some years ago that said “Votes are like buses, not valentines. You don’t look for the perfect one, you look for the one going closest to your intended destination.”
No matter who wins, you’ve strengthened your resilience skills of setting goals, finding options and taking action. And probably also the skill of managing discomfort.
So vote, it’s good for you.
Are you registered? Got your plan to vote? Comment and tell me!
All my best,
Dr. G