With the Fourth of July upon us, many families are hitting the road. Whether you are staying close to home and visiting an amusement park or heading on a cross-country road trip, it can be a stressful time. Packing while keeping the kids from running into the street, hours of sitting in a car, overstimulation, strange and new places, this can all be a recipe for amazing memories or an epic meltdown. Usually both.
So how can we prepare for these situations ahead of time to keep our sanity and keep our kids happy and safe? Here are some general tips:
Know your kid.
If your kid doesn’t do well with tons of stimulation or getting over-tired, watch for the signs and remove them from the situation so they can regroup. Maybe it’s heading back to the hotel for a few hours for a nap, or taking a quick break to get out of the car to stretch their legs. Don’t take it
Don’t take it personally.
Just like this dad explains so beautifully kids are going to meltdown sometimes. It’s inevitable.
Prepare your kids for different situation.
By being prepared, you can help your kids not get stressed out in the moment as often. Go over what to do if they get lost or frustrated. Maybe there is a chance there may be a delay – prep them for that. Let them know that sometimes on family vacations things don’t go as planned.
Have enough activities to keep them busy.
It doesn’t always have to be technology, either. Be prepared with activity bags or topics to sing, dance or talk about, or fun games to play while you are in the car or waiting in line at the amusement park.
I’ve put together some posts I have contributed to or written that can be helpful for your summer vacation with the kids. Read through them and bookmark for future use. You will be glad that you did!
- Mastering the Meltdown: The Theme Park
- Police, Parents Share Tips for Keeping Kids Safe in Crowded Places
- How to Get Your Kids To Love The Outdoors When You Don’t
- 5 Tips to Help You and Actually Enjoy a Road Trip with Kids
- 5 Smart Ways to Digitally Detox – Want to have a tech-free vacation?
Do you have any tips to share? What are your struggles? Share with us on Facebook or Twitter!