I am lucky enough to have a bookkeeper. This is fantastic, as the maths and I don’t always see eye-to-eye and the government apparently thinks “Oh, my bad!” is not a valid excuse for underpayment of taxes.
This past week I got an email from the accounting firm where she works, announcing that they’ve been acquired by a much bigger, out-of-state firm. And I freaked out.
What will this mean for me? Will I lose the relationships I have there and the people I trust? Will I be too small a fish and not get the same amount of attention? Is this new firm honest and good? Why are they only telling us after the deal is done? I don’t want to learn a new portal, new people, new procedures!
And then I took a deep breath and remembered…
I have choices.
This process: change -> loss, distrust, discomfort and then remembering that I have choices… that’s the resilience cycle that I speak and write about every dang day. Did that protect me from freaking out? No, no it did not.
Knowing is only half the battle.
The other half is practice, mixed with self-empathy.
Practice at being kind to myself when I’m struggling with change, and not giving up.Practice at remembering my mom’s favorite saying: If you’re still breathing, you have choices.
Practice at connecting frustration or freak out to curiosity: What choices do I have?
Every single change causes the brain to think about loss, distrust and discomfort. Remember, you have choices. Pick some that align with your purpose and try them. And have some empathy for yourself along the way. You matter.
What change are you navigating? let me know!
All my best,Dr. G