Are you worried about your kids struggling with the social aspects of Covid! Here's some help!

After you watch the video, grab your kids and have them fill out the worksheet! 

Do you need more help getting your kids through this school year? I have a solution!

Parents are torn.

They don’t know what to expect, or what to do! This year will look like no other, and there are more obstacles than ever. Nothing is the same, and what we know will change, fast and often.

This is where my 2020 Back to School…??? Resilience Guide for Parents will help you!!

What do you get in the "2020 Back to School...??? Resilience Guide for Parents":

You get framework, guidance, strategies and SKILLS for handling:

  • Your or your child's feelings of overwhelm, frustration, guilt or detachment
  • the incredible uncertainty over the start of school, and how it will all change - probably often
  • understanding what success looks like this year and setting goals and expectations
  • partnering with educators even if you never meet them!
  • When (and when not) to worry about a student's mental health and what to do about it
  • How to protect your own mental health all year long

Topics Include:

  • Resilience Tools
  • Academic Goals
  • Screen (over)Time
  • Health and Safety Tips
  • Transition Navigation
  • Parent Teacher Relationships
  • Making and Keeping Friends
  • Mental Health Checklist
  • Parent Mental Health

More About the Guide....

Who is this guide for?

Adults with school-aged kids, whether they’re learning in the classroom, online or any combination.

When does this guide start?

Available for sale now, resources delivered by August 17th!

How do you get the material?

Videos, Worksheets, Tip sheets, Checklists and more. None take longer than 10 minutes to absorb. Available all at once or one at a time, in any order so parents can use these in the ways that make the most sense for their situation.

Where can you take the course?

On your phone, tablet, laptop… or all three!



How can I help? 

Hi, I’m Dr. G!

For the last decade I have been working to develop strong, resilient teams, communities and families. I am excited for the opportunity to get to know you and to help you build more resilience!

Deborah Gilboa, MD
Resilience Expert & Family Physician

Let's get social! Join me here:

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Insights to Transform Your Stress Into Your Resilience​

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