“Can you keep this confidential?”
“Do you have guns in the house?”
“Are you ready to talk about my raise?”
Everyone in your life needs you to be able to ask awkward questions.
Your family, your partner, your kids, your boss, your staff, your friends – everyone who matters to you needs you to keep them, and you, safe.
This ecourse is a straightforward “How To.” I’ll breakdown the reasons why you don’t ask the hard questions you need to, provide strategies on how to decide what to ask, and when, and guide you to the moment when you calmly ask what other people don’t dare to. All this while showing the upmost respect.
Afterwards you’ll get some downloads that will remind you of the steps, and give you a communication path to follow each time you have an awkward question that could keep you or someone you love, safe.
No question should be off limits:
“Will everyone be wearing masks?”
“Will you stop touching me?”
“Can we split the bill?”
“Are you feeling sick?”
Just click the link and get started! In less than an hour you’ll be able to ask anyone… anything.
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