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How is your family doing?
When we work, often supervisors evaluate us, and sometimes customers or colleagues do as well. As parents, how are we supposed to know how it’s going? We can’t use our kids’ behavior as our only measure, because you can be doing great parenting in the midst of tough kid behavior. Dr. G has a 5 ways we can talk with our family to see how it’s all going and make a plan to keep improving.
What is excellent about your relationships?
Evaluations should let us know what we’re doing really well so we don’t stop! Give kids as young as 4 a chance to tell us what they love about our families. Let your kids know what you value about their contributions and what you need from them for your family to thrive.
How can your relationships get better?
Follow these suggestions, and lay the ground rules clearly – we’re not accusing, or demanding, or talking money. This is a chance to say “I like” and “I hope” to make helpful changes in your family dynamics.
If this sounds crazy…
Dr. G describes how to start small, and make easy changes. Teach kids that you respect each person in your family enough to listen and grow.
2 thoughts on “How to Improve Family Relationships in 2014!”
I can’t say how much I needed this right now. Why wouldn’t I be asking my kids what they feel about their family? I can only assume so much and I know what I know – but these days, that seems limited. I’m not saying their answers will always provide me with a lot of insight, but they will start the process of communication that I hope they harbor in all their relationships – something I wasn’t really trained to do when I was little. What a great reminder!
Kiran, I’m so glad this was timely for you. We can not take every suggestion our kids make, but it is valuable to let them start gaining insight, and sharing it! Happy New Year to you.
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