Skeptical Ask Dr. G
Written by Doctor G

A reminder to be skeptical of “they”

We’re in a season of debates and So. Much. Commentary. It’s possible the Internet Era just guarantees us all that commentary all the time and I’m just a bit more tuned into it right now. 

There is a parenting lesson that I learned when my boys were young that holds me in good stead out in the world too. And that lesson is this:

When anyone tells me about what “they” did or said or want or don’t want, I get skeptical. Really? Who’s “they?” How do you know what they think or feel? Which of “them” told you or what primary source evidence do you have? Because when my kids told me “they said we had to bring $20 to school tomorrow” or “they said we could play in that yard” or “they all are mean to me and I didn’t do anything to them!” I knew to ask more questions. 

So when you hear anyone telling you what “they” will do or how “they” all feel? Ask more questions. Dig down into sources and facts. Anyone who wants to make me believe something about a whole group probably has an agenda – and it might not be in our best interest. 

More importantly, it’s very hard to stay resilient when you feel that there is a “them” out to get you. But maybe there isn’t. It’s much easier to be resilient when you remember that there are shades of gray and that nuance changes context. Asking questions will build your resilience and help you make better decisions.

Stay nuanced everyone.  

All my best,

Dr. G

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